Accessibility training

I’ve recently had an accessibility training from Anysurfer. Roel Van Gils came to speak to me and the designers of indie group for an entire day.

We learned a lot that day!

  • Most blind users use internet explorer with a screen reader, that means no links nor lynx.
  • Well trained disabled users let their tts engine run at 130 words per minute which is faster than I can read.
  • Safari doesn’t support the label tag.
  • The descriptive (D) link is not understood by most users.
  • Jaws is not the most used screen reader in Belgium.
  • Flash is still not accessible even though Jaws supports its accessibility features.

2 Responses to “Accessibility training”

  1. Roel says:

    Great to hear :)

  2. […] Weer wat bijgeleerd Geschreven door Roel Van Gils om 16u38 Fijn om te lezen dat ook ervaren webontwikkelaars wat opsteken van de in-company opleidingen die AnySurfer verzorgt over het bouwen van toegankelijke websites. […]